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Accord Mortgages Limited
Affirmative Finance Limited
Aldermore Bank PLC
Scottish Widows Bank PLC
Bath Investment & Building Society
Buckinghamshire Building Society
Beverley Building Society
The Chorley and District Building Society
Coventry Building Society
Darlington Building Society
Ecology Building Society
Furness Building Society
Hinckley and Rugby Building Society
Halifax PLC
Ipswich Building Society
Leeds Building Society
Together Personal Finance Limited
The Mansfield Building Society
Monmouthshire Building Society
Marsden Building Society
Newbury Building Society
Virgin Money PLC
Nottingham Building Society
Nationwide Building Society
Progressive Building Society
Principality Building Society
Saffron Building Society
Scottish Building Society
Bluestone Mortgages Limited
Barclays Bank PLC
Cambridge Building Society
Santander UK PLC
The Mortgage Works (UK) PLC
Cambridge & Counties Bank Limited
Bank of Scotland PLC
Clydesdale Bank PLC
NatWest Markets PLC
Lloyds Bank PLC
The Co-operative Bank PLC
Octopus Property Lending Ltd
Earl Shilton Building Society
National Counties Building Society
Paratus AMC Limited
Fleet Mortgages Limited
Godiva Mortgages Limited
Hanley Economic Building Society
Hodge Life Assurance Company Limited
Al Rayan Bank PLC
Kent Reliance Building Society
Keystone Property Finance Limited
Kensington Mortgage Company Limited
MBS Lending Limited
Metro Bank PLC
Magellan Homeloans Limited
Masthaven Bank Limited
Newcastle Building Society
Paragon Bank PLC
Pepper (UK) Limited
Penrith Building Society
Charter Court Financial Services Limited
The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Skipton Building Society
Shawbrook Bank Limited
Secure Trust Bank PLC
Swansea Building Society
Tipton and Coseley Building Society
The Mortgage Lender Limited
Ulster Bank Ltd
Vernon Building Society
Belmont Green Finance Limited
West Bromwich Building Society
West One Secured Loans Limited
Selina Finance
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